Political Signage Laws Texas

Political Signage Laws Texas

During the election season, the landscape blooms with a special type of flower – the political sign. Unlike wildflowers, which are welcome everywhere, it is illegal to put up campaign signs on public lands. So, before you plant this sign, learn the law and keep Texas beautiful. TxDOT only regulates campaign signs under Chapter 394 of the Texas Transportation Code. TxDOT only controls the location of signs in relation to the highway. If you have additional questions about campaign signs or political advertising, you can visit the Texas Ethics Commission. If you have placed your sign in the right-of-way or if it poses a danger to traffic, we will remove it without notice. All costs associated with the removal of the panels are the responsibility of the owner of the panel. For more information, consult the brochure “Brochure on political and electoral posters”.