Medicina Legal Y Forense Que Es

Medicina Legal Y Forense Que Es

It is the field of forensics and forensics that studies every change in health and all the other damage that leaves a material trace on the human body. The change in anatomical structure may or may not affect the function of an organ or tissue due to external or internal influences that may cause injury within a certain time and space. Forensics is a multidisciplinary field that is in contact with the law. On the one hand, the coroner and the medical examiner must therefore have knowledge of biology, genetics and pathology. DNA databases are crucial for criminal investigations and the identification of missing persons, whether in armed conflicts or other disasters affecting large numbers of victims whose preservation may be complicated or impossible to identify with conventional forensic methods. Forensic and forensic pathology requires related medical, legal, administrative, ethical and scientific knowledge, as well as working with bibliographic and scientific bases to support your criminal investigation for legal advice. As a medical expert, a relevant figure in this field. If you are interested in this important branch of medicine, we can offer you this forensic course that will teach you all the basic terms and basics that the coroner should know. Forensic genetics is the specialty of forensic medicine that identifies victims of a crime or disaster, establishes biological relationships between people, and rejects or implicates suspects of a crime.

It is usually performed in an institute of forensic medicine. One of the most important points about forensic pathologists is that these professionals study medicine and then specialize in forensic and forensic medicine, a discipline that is not widely used in Latin American countries, so the institutions that offer this specialization are few, and one of them is Euroinnova. In criminal investigations, the coroner`s performance is critical. He surrenders – together or not – with the duty judge and the prosecutor`s office if the body is removed after a death suspected of crime or violence; examines and collects external signs of the scene, determines the probable time of death and performs a necropsy of the body; He macroscopically examines the three cavities (cranial, thoracic and abdominal) and takes samples to refer them to specialized forensic science centers, laboratories. [ref. Forensic medicine requires a thorough and extensive knowledge of the human body, as well as scientific preparation for certain specialized applications depending on the field of activity. As a branch of forensic medicine that examines poisons in relation to a criminal act, it establishes the link between causes of death and its complications. This helps us determine the toxic substances present, their concentrations and their effects on the human organism of the injured person or on the corpse.

Forensic toxicology is the branch of forensic medicine that examines toxic, chemical or toxic substances on the body in relation to crimes, methods of forensic examination in case of poisoning and death. However, there are some differences and they concern the client who requests the work and the purpose of it. The mission of forensic medicine is to provide medical answers that arise in the field of justice. And it is conducted by medical experts in a court case, whether appointed by the court or by a party. To this end, all features and details that may give indications of medico-legal or legal problems are noted. From the point of view of forensic pathology, two types of substances can be distinguished: forensics, also called forensic pathology or forensic pathology, can be defined as the branch of medicine responsible for studying and examining the corpse of an individual to determine the specific cause of death. Research provides a fair, precise and authentic response to the field of justice on many occasions. In forensic studies, physicians in this specialization are associated with different fields of study and practice and have different tasks to perform in the legal and medical fields: the work of a coroner is therefore not only to remove the body and perform autopsies; It is much more than that. They come daily and deal with cases of gender-based violence, child abuse, workplace accidents, etc. It is also their responsibility to determine the degree of disability of a person. The expert responsible for the autopsy is the forensic pathologist.

To be able to be a medical expert. Forensic autopsy or forensic medicine is the examination of the corpse to determine if there are pathological changes or injuries that serve to clarify the cause of death in a legal case, for which it is necessary to find out the reason for the death and whether the death is due to a crime. In particular, forensic medicine is the type of scientific medicine responsible for serving justice and justice. In addition, in all cases where a coroner is required, a medical expert is required to treat the case and find a solution. DNA forensic examination has become one of the most accurate applications and excels in the following cases: A forensic toxicologist must consider the context of the examination, particularly the physical symptoms that have occurred and any other evidence gathered at the crime scene that may help solve the crime. such as containers containing medicines, powders, residues and other available chemicals. One of the most important points to consider when talking about their differences is the fact that forensic medicine is designed to provide a medical response to aspects that arise in the legal field. While forensic pathology aims to clarify the cause of death from a biological point of view.

Forensics, and in particular thanatology, are used when necessary: forensic medicine is the science conducted by forensic pathologists under the Ministry of Justice. The job of forensic pathologists is to provide medical knowledge for the solution of biological problems. Forensic serology is primarily responsible for determining the presence in serum of biological components that can be found in the blood of victims at a crime scene, but in practice it goes much further. On the other hand, forensic experts must evaluate patients` healthcare based on regulations, specific risks of each patient, and medical protocols. Lawyers and forensic pathologists have similarities with each other; Since both can act as adjuncts in the judiciary, they help judges remove doubts about medical facts. Forensic medicine first appeared in Germany in the sixteenth century: the Carolina Law promulgated by Charles V in 1532 obliged medical experts (mainly barber-surgeons of the time) to intervene in cases of intentional or involuntary murder of corpses and to impose a penalty proportional to the injuries. In 1536, Francis I of France drafted a decree for the Duke of Brittany, which regulated the beginnings of forensic medicine. [3] In addition, experts are trained in cooperation in the different areas of law: criminal law, civil law, family, labour.