What`s the Legal Age in Dubai

What`s the Legal Age in Dubai

The UAE does not have a legal age of consent, as marriage is required by law before sexual intercourse is allowed. If there is no age limit for marriage, there is indeed no age of consent between married persons. The importation of pork products and pornography into the UAE is illegal. Videos, books and magazines can be subjected to scrutiny and censorship. Although alcoholic beverages are served in hotels, clubs, resorts, etc., it is illegal to drink in public or be under the influence of alcohol. Please note that passengers in transit through UAE airport should avoid drinking alcohol, under the influence of alcohol may also be arrested, as this is illegal. Even non-Muslims cannot drink alcohol during the holy month of Ramadan. Dubai and Abu Dhabi have strict laws governing the transportation of alcohol. Licence holders may transport their liquor in their private vehicle from the store to their home, but the quantity of alcohol transported must not exceed the limit allowed by your licence. If alcohol is found to be transported beyond your limit, the vehicle and alcohol will be confiscated and the person transporting it will be prosecuted. It is also illegal to carry alcohol on public transport such as the Dubai Metro. In general, the legal drinking age in Abu Dhabi is 18, but a Ministry of Tourism regulation prevents hotels from serving alcohol to people under 21.

In Dubai and all other emirates except Sharjah, the drinking age is 21. Alcohol consumption in Sharjah is illegal. However, there is a question in the minds of many tourists and potential expats in Dubai. And it`s – is alcohol available in Dubai? And if so, what is the legal drinking age? If you plan to conduct or promote fundraisers or other charitable actions in the UAE (or in transit), keep in mind that these activities, even if conducted online and via social media, are highly regulated. You should be aware of the legal requirements and seek professional advice if necessary. Violations may result in criminal penalties, including hefty fines and/or jail time. The advice contained in our columns does not constitute legal advice and is provided for informational purposes only. Some skin care products and e-cigarette refills may contain ingredients that are illegal in the UAE, such as CBD oil. If you are found in possession of these products, they will be confiscated and you could be prosecuted. A list of narcotics, psychotropic and controlled drugs to which this rule applies, the authorized quantities and the documents that must be submitted can be found on the website of the Ministry of Health of the United Arab Emirates. All same-sex relationships are illegal and same-sex marriages are not recognized. The legal drinking age in Dubai is 21.

The legal drinking age in Abu Dhabi is 18. Any sex outside of marriage is illegal, regardless of the relationship you have with your partner in the UK. If UAE authorities determine that you are having sex outside of marriage (as they acknowledge), you risk prosecution, imprisonment and/or a fine and deportation. It is illegal to live together or share the same hotel room with someone of the opposite sex with whom you are not married or closely related. Non-Muslim residents can obtain a liquor license and drink at home or in licensed places where it is legal to drink alcohol. Permission to drink in a licensed place where alcohol is served must be obtained separately from the resident. These licenses, which are obtained by non-Muslim residents, are valid only in the emirate that issued them. They are not valid outside the emirate that issued them. The laws and customs of the United Arab Emirates are very different from those of the United Kingdom. Be aware of your actions to make sure they are not offensive, especially during the holy month of Ramadan or if you intend to visit religious areas. There can be severe penalties for something that may not be illegal in the UK.

It is strongly recommended that you familiarize yourself with and respect local laws and customs. There is zero tolerance for drug offences. Penalties for trafficking, smuggling and possession of drugs (even in residual quantities) are severe. Drug trafficking convictions can include the death penalty and possession of the smallest amount of illegal drugs can result in a prison sentence of at least 4 years. The UAE authorities consider the presence of drugs in the blood to be possession. Some herbal highs, such as spices, are illegal in the UAE. For residents and tourists, the legal drinking age in Dubai is 21. And this is strictly enforced.

At each hotel, you can expect to present your valid proof of age upon request. Staff or bouncers have the right to ask questions about this. So, make sure you have this document with you when you go out for a drink. It is possible for a person, male or female, to work legally from the age of 15, but special regulations apply. According to Article 21, proof of age, a medical certificate and the authorization of a legal guardian must be presented. Article 25 states: “The maximum effective working time for young people shall be six hours per day, with one or more intervals of rest, meals or prayers of at least one hour in total. These intervals must be fixed in such a way that the adolescent does not work more than four consecutive hours. Adolescents may not be detained at their workplace for more than seven consecutive hours. In the UAE, there is no age of consent, as sexual activities outside marriage are illegal.

Devices such as satellite phones, listening or recording devices, radio transmitters, high-performance cameras or binoculars may require a license for use in the UAE. Ask the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates in London for advice. Amar November 11, 2021 Blog Leave a Comment 287 Views Non-Muslim residents can obtain a liquor license to drink alcohol at home and in authorized places. These licences are valid only in the emirate that issued them. Residents must also obtain a permit to drink in authorized places. Liquor licenses are no longer required in Abu Dhabi for residents to purchase alcohol for personal consumption. Women should dress modestly when staying in public places such as shopping malls. Clothing should cover the upper arms and legs, and underwear should not be visible. Swimsuits should only be worn on beaches or in swimming pools. The online publication of material (including videos and photos) that criticizes the UAE government, companies or individuals or refers to incidents in the UAE or appears to abuse/ridicule/criticize the country or its authorities or is culturally insensitive may be considered a criminal offence punishable under UAE law. There have been cases where people have been detained, prosecuted and/or convicted for publishing such material. Further information on media activities and how to obtain the necessary permits can be obtained by registering on the website of the National Media Council.

Dubai is an Islamic country. Although it is a fairly permissive and progressive emirate, the rules in this area are quite strict. And alcohol consumption is one of them. Non-Muslim and non-Muslim tourists can consume alcohol in designated bars and hotels. You can also buy alcohol at some stores after presenting a liquor license. However, Muslims are not allowed to buy or consume alcohol in Dubai.