Perfil De Puesto Director Legal

Perfil De Puesto Director Legal

The company`s General Counsel is responsible for managing, coordinating and overseeing all legal and legal aspects that are part of the organization`s operations. While the initial role of a General Counsel has traditionally been to provide legal advice in the performance of legal tasks for various areas of the organization, the position is becoming increasingly interdisciplinary. The role and flexibility of the Chief Legal Officer is evolving. An effective general counsel must be a business leader, a negotiator and a driver of digital transformation. The role of General Counsel has evolved into a leadership role that requires more skills and perspectives. A good General Counsel has technical knowledge and is able to make a significant contribution to the overall strategy and policy of the company. The legal manager is already considered a cornerstone of modern organizations. Indeed, for example, the Internet has enabled a rapid international expansion of many companies and a very easy way to collect personal data from their customers. While both situations create great business advantages, they also create a high legal risk environment with many more “fronts that need to be covered” compared to traditional businesses. For example, if it is an organization with an online presence that manages users` personal data, the function of the legal officer is to make the company act in accordance with the various regulations on the protection of personal data. This is the main term that can be found in the international professional environment to define this type of director.

At STANDBY, we are leaders in executive selection and the General Counsel profile is one of the positions we most often seek to meet the needs of leading companies in their industry. After all, one of the most important functions of a CEO is to support their team in digital transformation. It is the job of a good general counsel to identify the risks to which the company is exposed. According to Deloitte, “General Counsel and Risk Specialists are called upon to work together to develop an effective framework that addresses a variety of legal risks that exist in businesses and develops controls to mitigate the most critical ones.” Therefore, it is important to emphasize that today, the General Counsel is himself a legal leader who, with his communication and leadership skills, helps define the direction of the company by aligning business strategies with the legal future. In 2021, technology is a key factor in the success and productivity of modern legal services. The lawyer must be able to ensure a smooth technological transition within his team by choosing the right technology. Second, effective time management is essential for a general counsel. General counsel often find that the urgent leaves no time for what is important. According to Gartner, “more than half of general counsel regret that their work is interrupted by urgent matters at least 70% of the time.” In summary, the role of the Chief Legal Officer is becoming increasingly dynamic. It`s up to you to keep the balance between a heavy workload and the proper use of technology to improve the efficiency and productivity of the entire department. The role and scope of the General Counsel is changing rapidly. “A good general counsel must be a consistent leader who is able to attract the right talent and who is not afraid to make tough decisions.” A good legal advisor must have a creative mindset.

Its effectiveness depends on its ability to cope with the infinite details of operations and at the same time to have an overview. In the same way, a good CEO must manage the present while anticipating the future. The general counsel or general counsel is a figure who goes beyond the legal department of a company. Their actions have a significant impact on how the organization grows in the market, how it deals with problems and how it anticipates industry obstacles. Therefore, this head of the company`s legal department is a fundamental part of decision-making, as he is able to dictate the right path to follow a business path where the rest of the organizations fail, stumble, and fall. Data protection laws, content distribution, copyright for multiple digital formats, control of e-commerce transactions, sending and receiving money online, among others, are very critical areas that companies need to address immediately, and the best way to do this is to hire a legal officer who specializes in the particular business sector. According to Deloitte, only 29% of legal teams are ready to adopt new technologies. In addition, only 56% of legal teams are adopting new technologies. It is the General Counsel`s responsibility to bridge technological gaps and support his legal departments in their digital transition. According to PwC, general counsel need to “embrace new technologies to deliver more effective and efficient services and allow their teams to focus on more interesting and value-added tasks.” First, the general counsel who strictly adheres to day-to-day legal issues may lose sight of strategic planning and long-term goals. A good general counsel must know how to maintain the delicate balance between his legal obligations and the priority of the company`s medium- and long-term objectives.

One of the General Counsel`s priorities is to identify and manage risks. Today, the risk environment is more complex than ever, as the COVID-19 pandemic has created new threats that are naturally much more complex. If you represent a company or are part of an HR department, you`ve probably wondered how to hire a general counsel to improve the profitability and organization of all resources. The selection of a General Counsel is facilitated by STANDBY`s methodology and security. Our specialization in selection procedures saves our clients direct and indirect costs, from the first call to the induction of the candidate for the position. Fill out the form without obligation and we will contact you. This Chief Compliance Officer job description template is optimized for posting to job boards and online job boards and can be easily customized by your organization. To succeed in this position, you need to be a reliable professional who is not afraid to voice your opinion and make your decisions. You need to know risk management and industry standards. If you also have good business sense, we`d love to get to know you. Keith Nelsen, Executive Vice President, Chief Legal Officer and Secretary of Best Buy.

Source: Korn Ferry If we take a closer look at what a legal manager is today, we find that he is not only an experienced lawyer, but also a key figure in advising managers on strategic decisions. For this reason, we are looking for potential candidates for this position so that we can have your profile from the first moment you apply for a new job for this position. We are looking for you. “Today, the General Counsel is an important member of the Executive Board who, in addition to advising on legal and similar issues, helps define the perspective and issues related to the company.” The acronym used to refer to the General Counsel is CLO. In principle, the legal officer is the lawyer within an organization who is responsible for managing, coordinating and supervising all legal aspects. In this sense, the legal manager is responsible for designing the methods that allow the company to comply with all applicable legal regulations according to its nature.